operating instructions, warranty cards, quality signets, ...

Revox sticker from the 80th

Operating instructions of a B77 MK I

Operating instructions of a B77 MK II

Operating instructions of a B77 MK II

Operating instructions of a B77 MK II



The Revox Warranty Card
This plastic warranty card has been delivered together with a Revox B77 MK I tape recorder. The data have been graven into the card (we deleted them partially) The Revox warranty was effective for 18 month. If you see the date of expiry you will recognize that this tape recorder with the serial number 59017 has been purchased in December 1979.
The warranty text on the backside of the card is in German and France:

REVOX ELA AG, CH 8105 Regensdorf ou 1025 St-Sulpice (Gare Renens)
WILLI STUDER GMBH, Talstraße 7, D-7827 Löffingen
REVOX-FRANCE, 25 Rue Marbeuf, Paris 8
REVOX-BELGIUM SA, Rue des Aduatiques 71/75, 1040 Bruxelles

Die Garantie ist nur im Verkaufsland gültig. Sie umfaßt kostenlose Behebung von Fabrikationsfehlern, ausgenommen unsachgemäße Behandlung, Fremdeingriffe oder Abnutzung. Der Garantieanspruch ist bei der Landesvertretung oder deren autorisierten Service-Stellen geltend zu machen. Transport auf Kosten und Gefahr des Einsenders. Alle weitergehenden Ansprüche sind ausgeschlossen.

La garantie couvere, dans le pays d'achat, L'échange des pièces défectueuses et la main-d'æuvre. Exclus sont: usure normale, mauvais traitements ou intervention de tierces personnes. Pour la garantie, seuls peuvent intervenir les service officiels. Le transport s'effectue au risque du propriétaire. Prière de joindre à l'appareil cette carte de garantie. Nous déclinons toute autre resposabilité



This Revox quality signets where fastened on the grip of the first series of the B77 MK I tape recorders. The green signet was delivered later.


The VDE signet (electrical safty) has been delivered with every Revox B77 tape recorder that has been sold within Germany.

only in country of purchase unless otherwise specified in writing.
Attention !
Please check contents of this parcel immediatly for quality and possible damages.
If necessary request survey report from carrier.

Thanks to "kenleyken," from Coulsdon, UK for the photos!

Revox A77 Service-Anleitung
To service the Revox tape recorder B77 it is not enough to have a circuit diagram.
The Revox B77 service manual gives all necessary information to a  technican how to service the machine proper



Original Revox spare parts
Some original Revox spare parts have been labeled with a spezial Revox spare parts label.
Sometimes the spare parts have been produced and delivered from the sister company Studer.

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